Set Up Development Environment

Shout maintains a development server to facilitate development for its own development team and for third party developers. This guide is intended to provide you with all the information that you need to setup a functioning development environment when working with the Shout API.

Shout maintains a development server to facilitate development for its own development team and for third party developers. The development server ( uses fake payment info, does not send text messages or emails. You can add phone numbers to accounts, but these phone numbers will not deliver messages without Shout approval.

Creating an account and logging in on the development server

  1. Open your computer browser and navigate to
  2. Follow the instructions for creating an account on Shout on Shout's help center here.
  3. To create a new account or login to an existing account Shout requires a one-time passcode. The development server does not send these codes via email or text. Instead you'll use the OTP override code of:

    This code will always allow you to create and login to a given account account for testing.

    You should not use development accounts to send private information as anyone with the above override code can login and access accounts on the development server.

Upgrade to a paid account on the development server

  1. Open your computer browser and navigate to
  2. Login to the account you'd like to upgrade.
  3. Follow the instructions for upgrading your account on our help center here.
  4. The Shout development server does not accept real payment information. Instead, use the fake payment information provided below.

    Fake Payment Info
    Jane Smith (or any valid)
    123 Main Street, Provo, UT 84606 (or any valid)
    Credit Card No:
    4242 4242 4242 4242
    Expiration Date:
    04/30 (or any valid)

Create Api Credentials

  1. Send a message to Shout Support or the Shout development team (links below) with the email associated with your account on the development server.
  2. Wait for Shout to add an api client to your account.
  3. Navigate to your API Clients in your Shout development account here.
  4. Click on the api client.
  5. Click on the [+] button next to credentials to create new credentials.
  6. Select the type of credentials you'd like to create in the modal. Read more about Shout's authentication credential types here. For initial setup basic authentication credentials, although not recommended for production environments, are easiest to set up for development purposes.
  7. Click "Save".
  8. Click the credential to reveal the password.

Using the Shout Mobile App with a Development Account

Shout's production mobile app, available from the App Store or Play Store can be used to point to an account on the develpment environment for similuting the mobile experience with the development server.

  1. Download the mobile app on an iOS or Android mobile phone from theApp StoreorGoogle Play Store.
  2. Open the App and tap "Start Messaging"
  3. Tap the three dots of the Shout logo five times
  4. Enter the admin code: 0787
  5. Tap "Pick Environment"
  6. Tap "Developmennt"
  7. Login or create an account using the OTP override code: 424242